FC Teutonia München e.V.
FC Teutonia München e.V. is one of the most traditional soccer clubs in Munich. Since day 1, FC Teutonia has been supporting us through fundraising and other activities at their beautiful sports facility in Olympiapark. Thank you for more than 20.000€.
TSV München-Solln
Since 2022 one of the largest clubs in the south Munich area supports us with various activities. Charity Glühwein and Beer at men’s games, team donations and runs to fundraise – to name but a few.
DJK Würmtal
Carsten’s project teams have their home at DJK Würmtal. The player’s parents are actively engaged to support Kick for Life with charity bakes sales at home games and regular donations. Thank you for supporting us so regularly.
DJK Sports Federation Munich East
In 2019 the first run at the facility took place to fundraise for Kick for life. Since then the acitivities of children and coaches have been ongoing.